My Aqara M1S Hub cannot be added to the app, what should I do?

1. Before adding the M1S Hub, make sure your smartphone is connected to the 2.4GHz Wi-Fi network and keep it as close to the M1S Hub as possible.

2. If adding the Hub fails or the network is not connected for more than 15 minutes after startup, long press the Hub button for more than 10 seconds until the yellow light flashes, then try adding it again.

3. When you hear the voice prompt “Waiting for connection, please open Aqara Home app”, you can use Aqara Home to add the device. If you hear the voice prompt "Waiting for connection, please open Aqara Home app" in the factory state, you need to press the button twice within 10 seconds after hearing the voice prompt. The Hub has successfully switched the app platform when you hear the "beep" voice prompt. And then you can use Aqara Home to add it once the yellow light flashes.

4. If the Hub still cannot be added successfully, please turn it off, then turn it back on and try to add it again. You can also press its button ten times to restore it to factory settings and try again. Please note that restoring factory settings will erase all usage data, including information about added sub-devices.

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