Automations created from the Home app have a significant delay

1. Since the automation function requires the participation of the home hub, please make sure that the home hub and the hub are in the same LAN, and that the router's Wi-Fi network is stable and reliable. It is preferable that the number of clients connected to the router does not exceed 20 (depending on the performance of the router). We recommend that you buy Apple, Mi, TP-LINK, NETGEAR brand routers.

2. Using the iPad as a home hub in battery mode, if the iPad screen is dim, the communication interval with the router becomes longer. Therefore, if you do not use the iPad, please keep the iPad in charging status to ensure that when the iPad screen is dark, it can maintain constant communication with the router.

3. Make sure the communication between the accessory device and the hub is reliable. If the communication between the accessory device and the gateway is unstable, the execution will be significantly delayed.

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