How to add Fibaro RGBW Controller 2 to Z-Wave network?

To add the module to your Z-Wave network manually:

1. Power up the module.

2. Put the main controller in inclusion mode (Secure / Non-Secure Mode) (see controller manual).

3. Quickly three times press the button connected to S1/S2 or the maintenance button.

4. The LED will start flashing yellow, wait for the inclusion process to complete.

5. If you are performing a secure inclusion, enter the underlined part of the DSK (label at the bottom of the box).

6. Inclusion will be confirmed by Z-Wave controller message and LED:

Green - passed (unsecured, S0, S2 unauthenticated),

Magenta - passed (Security S2 authenticated),

Red - not successful.

To add the module to the Z-Wave network using SmartStart:

1. To use SmartStart, your controller must support Security S2 (see controller manual).

2. Enter the full DSK code into your controller. If your controller is able to scan a QR code, scan the QR code placed on the box or label of the device.

3. Power up the module.

4. Wait for the inclusion process to start (may take a few minutes), which is signaled by the yellow LED flashing.

5. Inclusion will be confirmed by Z-Wave controller message and LED:

Green - passed (unsecured, S0, S2 unauthenticated),

Magenta - passed (Security S2 authenticated),

Red - not successful.

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