Why did my FIBARO Flood Sensor stop working?

1. The FIBARO Flood Sensor is not powered.

The FIBARO Flood Sensor must be powered. Please check AC power or battery:

a) open the device case and check the battery,

b) open the case of the device and check that terminals 12 and GND are well connected to the mains, check the power supply,

c) then close the case and put it back in place.


Before using your FIBARO Flood Sensor please remove the "I'm ready" tab and remember that all connections must be made by professionals.

2. FIBARO Flood Detector has been reset.

After resetting the FIBARO Flood Sensor, it returns to its default settings. You have to start its inclusion to the Z-Wave controller again.

3. The FIBARO Flood Sensor is out of range of the Z-Wave controller.

The FIBARO Flood Sensor is out of range of the Z-Wave controller. It must be within direct range of the Z-Wave controller or within range of another node on the Z-Wave mesh network.

4. Advanced Parameter #77 has been changed.

Please change Advanced Parameter No. 77 = 0.

5. The FIBARO Flood Detector is damaged.

Please contact your dealer to initiate the warranty procedure for your FIBARO Flood Sensor.

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