Where in my house can I install the TriSensor?

The TriSensor can bring its smart measurements to many places in your home. Before deciding on a location, there are a few things you need to consider first.

The TriSensor's motion sensor uses light and heat measurements to determine motion; Sudden changes in light and heat can impact the quality of sensor motion measurements. As such, your sensor should not be installed in areas of artificial temperature change. So, when choosing a location, avoid placing it next to or near air conditioners and heaters.

Your TriSensor will be powered by batteries, you should avoid installing it in a location where the temperature may drop below 0°C - this is below any operational use point for the battery. Selecting a location for your sensor also depends on the layout of any area you want to monitor. Whatever the room or area, please make sure it matches the effective motion detection range of your sensor.

For best performance, your TriSensor should NOT be mounted directly on or near metal framing or other large metal objects. Large metal objects can weaken the Z-Wave wireless signal that TriSensor depends on for communication due to the wireless reflective properties of metal.

The maximum motion detection range of the TriSensor is: 7m.

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