Using the Z-Wave Network Range Tester

To enable Z-Wave network testing, the device must be added to the Z-Wave controller. The tests can stress the network, so it is recommended to perform the test only in special cases.

Follow the instructions below to test the range of the Z-Wave controller:

1. Press and hold the TMP button until the visual indicator turns purple.

2. Release the TMP button.

3. Briefly press the TMP button again.

4. The visual indicator will show the range of the Z-Wave network.

FLASHING GREEN – The detector is trying to establish direct communication with the main controller

GREEN – The detector is in direct communication with the main controller

FLASHING YELLOW – The detector is trying to establish communication with the main controller via other modules

YELLOW – The detector is in indirect communication with the main controller

FLASHING PURPLE – The detector is communicating with the controller at the limit of the controller's range

RED – The detector cannot connect to the main controller, either directly or through other nodes in the Z-Wave network

5. To exit the Z-Wave range test, short press the TMP button.

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