The FIBARO RGBW has stopped communicating with my Z-Wave controller.

1. The FIBARO RGBW Micromodule has been reset.

After reset, the FIBARO RGBW Micromodule returns to its default settings. To use it, you must again make the inclusion to your Z-Wave controller.

2. The FIBARO RGBW Micromodule is no longer powered.

The FIBARO RGBW Micromodule must be powered. Please check its power supply by:

a) checking the power supply,

b) checking the power supply of the FIBARO RGBW Micromodule.

NOTE: Remember that all electrical work should be done by a qualified electrician.

3. The FIBARO RGBW Micromodule is out of range of the Z-Wave controller.

The FIBARO RGBW Micromodule must be within direct range of the Z-Wave controller or within range of another node on the Z-Wave mesh network.

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