My FIBARO Dimmer 2 cannot be included with my Z-Wave controller

1. FIBARO Dimmer 2 is already included with another Z-Wave controller.

FIBARO Dimmer 2 needs to be reset.

2. The FIBARO Dimmer 2 is too far from the Z-Wave controller.

The FIBARO Dimmer 2 must be within direct range of the Z-Wave controller during the inclusion process.

3. The FIBARO Dimmer 2 is not powered.

The FIBARO Dimmer 2 must be powered by 230VAC. Check the power supply using a simple voltage tester or multimeter. 

4. The FIBARO Dimmer 2 has a different frequency (EU, US, or ANZ) than your Z-Wave controller.

FIBARO Dimmer 2 must operate on the same Z-Wave frequency (EU, US, or ANZ) as your Z-Wave controller. Please contact your dealer to exchange it.

5. FIBARO Dimmer 2 is damaged

Please contact your dealer to initiate the warranty procedure.

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