Adding automation through the "Home" app does not work

1. If you are using iPad, Apple TV, HomePod as home hub, check if iPad, Apple TV, HomePod is connected to the router. Do not enable airplane mode on the iPad.

2. Open the "Home" app and check if automation is disabled.

3. Please check whether the corresponding accessories for automation are offline. Please try again after restoring them online. If the hub is offline, try restarting the hub and try again.

4. Open the "Home" page of the "Home" app on your iOS device, tap the "Navigation" icon in the upper right corner, click "Home Settings", select your home from the list " Home", then under "Home hub", check if the home hub shows "Connected".

5. If you are using the iPad as a home hub, try turning the iPad's WiFi switch back on and try again.

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