How to include the Aeotec aërQ temperature and humidity sensor?

SmartStart inclusion.

You can use this inclusion method only if your Z-Wave gateway/controller/hub supports SmartStart.

1. Open the interface of your Z-Wave gateway/controller/hub.

2. Select Include SmartStart. (Please refer to your controller/gateway manual for how to do this).

3. Scan the QR code located on the aërQ sensor.

4. Within 10 minutes of powering up your aërQ sensor, it will automatically be included in your Z-Wave gateway/controller/hub.

Classic inclusion

Use this method if SmartStart is not supported by your Z-Wave gateway/controller/hub.

1. Place your gateway or controller in Z-Wave inclusion mode. (Please refer to your controller/gateway manual for how to do this).

2. Press the aërQ sensor tamper switch 3 times within 1 second.

3. Your gateway should confirm if the aërQ sensor is included in your network.

4. Place the aërQ sensor on the mounting base.

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