How to exclude the Fibaro Dimmer 2 from my Z-Wave network?

Excluding Dimmer 2 from the Z-Wave network restores all the device's default settings, but does not reset the consumption measurement data.

To remove the device from the Z-Wave network:

1. Place Dimmer 2 within direct range of your Z-Wave controller.

2. Identify switch no. 1 (turns on the light) or button B (located on the device housing).

3. Put the Z-Wave controller in exclusion mode (see controller manual).

4. Quickly press switch no. three times. 1 or button B.

5. Wait for the removal process to complete.

6. Successful exclusion will be confirmed by the Z-Wave controller message.

7. Dimmer 2 will start the calibration process.

When excluding Dimmer 2 from the network with a connected rocker switch, make sure that all switch contacts are open (OFF). Otherwise, it will prevent the device from being included/excluded from the network. For toggle switches in default configuration, make six position changes. In case of problem with unknown configuration or external switch type , use button B to include/exclude.

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