How to add the Fibaro Dimmer 2 to my Z-Wave network?

1. Put Dimmer 2 within direct range of your Z-Wave controller

2. Identify switch no. 1 (which turns on the light) or button B (located on the device housing).

3. Put the Z-Wave controller in inclusion mode (secure / insecure) (see controller manual).

4. Quickly press switch no. three times. 1 or button B.

5. Wait for the inclusion process to complete.

6. Successful inclusion will be confirmed by a message from the Z-Wave controller

When including Dimmer 2 in the network with a rocker switch connected, make sure that all switch contacts are open (OFF). Otherwise, it will prevent the inclusion/exclusion of the device to/from the network.

For toggle switches in the default configuration, make six position changes.

If there is a problem with an unknown configuration or the type of external switch, use the B button to include/exclude.

The inclusion in secure mode must be carried out at a maximum of 2 meters from the controller.

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