In the app, a subdevice is showing offline or unresponsive status.

1. Please check if the hub the subdevice is connected to is offline. If the hub also shows offline status, it means the subdevice is offline because the hub is offline. Please try restarting the hub and try again.

2. If the hub is online but the sub-device is offline, please check whether the communication between the sub-device and the hub is normal. For further instructions, refer to “Checking the effective distance” in the sub-device manual. The “Connection is normal” voice prompt indicates that the device and the hub can communicate effectively. If the communication is abnormal, try moving the sub-device closer to the hub or move the hub closer to the sub-device and try again. After restarting the app, check if the sub-device connects.

3. Please check whether the power supply of the sub-device is normal, and press the button of the sub-device to check whether the light of the sub-device is on.

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